Tantrums in the Grocery Store – Part 3
Did our kids ever misbehave in public while they were in their formative years? Yes, but it was curtailed rather quickly. Our secret was our discovery of the musculocutaneous nerve that derives from the lateral cord of the Brachial Plexus network of nerve fibers. These nerve fibers lie adjacent to the trapazius muscle, the large…
Tantrums in the Grocery Store – Part 2
Let’s examine some information on behavioral modification. If you study psychology, you will learn of a man named Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in behavioral conditioning (Pavlov’s dogs). His conditioning program, sometimes referred to as “Pavlov’s reflex”, showed that behavior could be conditioned through a series of applied stimuli. Based…
Parenting with common sense
There have been countless books, audio tapes, DVD’s, Internet websites, conferences, and seminars on parenting. Why one more? What I have observed is that many who initiate these forums of ‘better parenting’ speak from an academic point of view. They produce countless studies, theories, and concepts for which a PhD seems like a requirement just…